Artifact 3 - Our use of FM and EMU

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As teachers we have many different ways of teaching and a variety of methods to use. Common for all teachers in Denmark are the common goals for each subject taught and for each year group. These goals are nationally binding, and they describe exactly what the students need to learn in each subject. It functions as a kind of scaffold for the teacher. It can be of great support for the planning of lessons, the completion of the actual lessons and the education as a whole. (

The curriculum's functions are there, for us as teachers to determine the topics we want to teach the pupils and what we want the pupils to learn. This is made possible through clearly defined learning targets and goals (Eduplanet21, 2023). It is also a great guide to use when making a teaching plan with usher teachers for the upcoming school year.

The curriculum guides us to determine which competences and goals the pupils should be able to achieve. However, it is also important to remember that all students are different and have different learning styles. Not all students may possess the same competences or reach the same goals at the same time and they will all need different scaffolds. Some students might progress more quickly in acquiring these competences than others, but that doesn't necessarily mean that those who haven't achieved all the competencies and goals within the designated time frame are not on the right track. As teachers we need to aim to plan our lessons to accommodate that student can work within his or her zone of proximal development ( Scaffolding language p 16).

It is also crucial to be aware that our own individual beliefs, views and opinions regarding language teaching significantly influence the choices we make in our daily roles as teachers (Henriksen B., 2020 p. 53).

We also use the FM and EMU  to create assignments for the many different yeargroups and many different lessons while studying to become teachers.classes . Not only in English but in other subjects as well. It guides us to understand the average competencies pupils have at different grade levels. It's useful for determining where to begin and end in relation to various tasks we can assign to the pupils. 

On EMU´s website there are different activities and tasks for oral communication. For example there is an activity called Mrs. McDonald’s suitcase. The activity is structured around a cloth doll that visits the classroom and tells stories. Through experiences, songs, and games, students can learn new words and understand the importance of repetition in language learning.

As new teachers we will probably need to confer with both FM and EMU a lot in order to make sure that we are doing everything according to the official goals set for our practice. The more experience we get the less we depend on checking our work against these. We see the FM and the EMU as an important tool for the teacher and for the students, as this should ensure that the curriculum for every subject is the same in every school in the country.


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