Artefact 4- SEASONS ACTIVITY GAME" year three ( dokumentation af egen praksis)
As a part of my second work practice - I was teaching year three about the seasons. To get the students out of their seats and to get the to actively take part of their own learning I prepared this "SEASONS" game. The class was split into four groups. Every group was given a bag full of season words ( see photo above) . in the sportshall the students then lined up on four lines, , 20 meters from the students were four boxes labelled " Spring", "summer", "fall/autumn" and winter. as a relay the first stundet in every row blindly takes one word, if they are unsure what the word is or in which of the four labelled boxes it belongs the are allowed to ask for help in the group ( some of words fit in more than one of the boxes). They then run to the box and puts the word in the box they believe it fits in, the group continues until all words have been put in their allocated boxes.
After this we count which group got the most words right - we discuss and evaluate. The children can draw while the results are being counted.
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